Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hand in Hand, Human to Human, Nation to Nation

Through the Universe infinite and unknown my eyes open to eternity
In my palm lies the pearl of miracle, born from the dust of Milky Way
Its vast, blue oceans are embracing ancient beauty of continents
Where existence of life has found its own way in the time and space

On this indigenous planet I am not different from you or anyone else
I have two hands and two eyes that, like yours, question my fate
I’m a child grown out of wisdom written by the saga of civilizations
As you, I have a right for freedom among all these peoples of the Nations

It should never matter what kind of religion harbors my heart
If my raison d’être does not share the philosophy of your mind
I am part of mankind, and like you, shed the tears of unbearable sorrow
When the seeds of war fasten their roots as they proliferate horror

As I stand next to you, among millions, on the soil of this sacred ground
I promise the peace and justice to be equal for all humans - young or old
A right to yearn for knowledge of ages and to go home to loved ones
To honor sovereignty of all the Nations that pledge to live by those principles

The color of my skin may be unlike yours, but so do I surrender for common good
We may speak languages unrelated, but our love and pain entwine until correlated
It is my duty, as much as yours, to defend and protect this terrestrial beauty
To vow the blue skies of integrity to give birth to the world full of dignity

Democracy is not free - it rises from the will to renounce the ideals of prejudice
To never judge solely on one’s suppositions, but embrace the uniqueness of our difference
To unite despite the division to Nations, to pursue harmony for ultimate destiny
To make sure the innocent don’t suffer ignorance, and concessions govern in diplomacy

I am a citizen of this world, faced with mortality from the dusk to dawn
- Hand in Hand, Human to Human, Nation to Nation -
We all dare to dream of the peace and freedom to walk on its shores
On this planet, our palms hold the flame of life for the future generations

Häly Laasme
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